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Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 00:21:38 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #195
Info-Mac Digest Fri, 1 Oct 93 Volume 11 : Issue 195
Today's Topics:
[*] (Re)Sumbission of TCXdiff 1.0b1 [This is now a .sit file]
[*] AstroCalc 0.b1
[*] bicycle-gear-calculator-41-hc.hqx
[*] CD ROM Dictionary (S)
[*] colorizing-hc-115.hqx
[*] Desktop-Photos.sit.hqx
[*] Drop Text 1.2 (submission)
[*] DuoMon 1.1a
[*] photo-for-desktop-flyer.hqx
[*] Sounder V1.2
[*] Speaking V1.20 two BBEdit Extensions
[*] StuffIt Expander 3.0.7
[*] StuffIt Lite 3.0.7
[*] UnStuffIt 3.0.7
14.4k Data Modem (TCI)
Another review of TC LineLink $99 modem
Archive Submission
automenus II
AutoStart Up for Modular Macs
Base 10 log
Centris610/system7.1/appleshare bug!
Conversion of Mac to UNIX text files...
Energy Saver control panel (Q)
EPS file conversion (Q)
Graham Alsopp & "Women-in-Swimsuits"
help on duo/mini dock
hooking an Intel modem to my Mac
involuntary screen dimming on a Mac Plus
IRS Electronic Filing SW
MacVoice 1.0 DEMO Did not include text header
MaxAppleZoom 1.4.4 Problem
NEC CDR-25 for $199
Need ideas for downloading PC stuff on my mac
PC emulation [Q]
PowerKey and 14"AV Monitor
Print Driver
Quadra 800 disk light
Smtp Mail Package for Mac.
Speech Setup, Centris 660AV and 14"AV Monitor (Q)
three minor problems
Unaccessible disk directories (Q)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 20:35:30 EDT
From: tcwan@iitcsun7.med.miami.edu (T. C. Wan)
Subject: [*] (Re)Sumbission of TCXdiff 1.0b1 [This is now a .sit file]
TCXdiff 1.0b1
[ TCXdiff requires System 7.x. ]
[ TCXdiff is ) Tat C. Wan, 1993. ]
[ Portions ) Symantec. Xdiff code modified from NCSA's sources. ]
[ This program is freeware. ]
>From the Readme file:
TCXdiff is a text file comparison utility which generates a difference (diff)
file for a given source file. The diff file can be used to update an older
version of the source file stored on another computer (normally, a Unix
machine). By transferring the much shorter diff file instead of the entire
source file, significant upload time can be saved. This is especially useful
for people who connect to Unix hosts using slow dial-up modems. Although the
primary focus of TCXdiff is for programmers who need to synchronize their
program files between their personal computer and a Unix host, it can be used
to update any other text file as well.
TCXdiff is based on the freeware program Xdiff written in August 1989 at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). You can obtain Xdiff
via anonymous ftp from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu. The Xdiff package is needed in
addition to TCXdiff since TCXdiff DOES NOT perform the updating per se, but
relies on xfix (part of the Xdiff package) to perform that task. Xfix was
written primarily for Unix hosts, I have not tried to compile it on other
TCXdiff is functionally equivalent to Xdiff. However, it adds the ability to
specify default folders and filenames (useful for batch processing), as well
as drag-and-drop file processing capabilities.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/tcx-diff-10b1.hqx; 107K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 14:49:15 +1200
From: CLAS005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: [*] AstroCalc 0.b1
Here is Astrocalc 0.b1, a Hypercard stack.
This is a small piece of a much larger project, and in
spite of its name, this portion is for doing date /
time calculations. Date conversions include Roman,
Egyptian, Julian Day, Olympiad. Time conversions
include Greenwich, local standard, sidereal.
I'm submitting this because there was chat on this
net a while back on Julian Day (basically a way
of converting date-time to a decimal number. No
documentation, and although I've tried to implement
some decent error-checking, you're basically on your
own with this one.
Matt Neuburg = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
[Archived as /info-mac/app/astrocalc-0b1-hc.hqx; 49K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:03:33 +0100
From: John Forrest <jf@ap.co.umist.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] bicycle-gear-calculator-41-hc.hqx
This is a new version of the Bicycle Gear Calculator distributed via the
sumex and umich archives. This stack helps you design chain drives, by
seeing the gears produced by various chainwheel/freewheel combinations.
This new version copes with 8 rear cogs and has a nice new title page.
There is a new import feature to help with updating. Apart from that, it
has a few bug fixes. It now requires the Colorizing HC XCMD stack, which is
bundled in - previously this was optional. This is true even if you are
using a monochrome monitor. The stack is freeware.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/bicycle-gear-calculator-41-hc.hqx; 259K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:42:22 -0500
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: [*] CD ROM Dictionary (S)
Survey Says:
No one had tried the OED and several commented that it was way too
expensive. The American Heritage Dictionary Professional version seems to
be the current choice (and it's not a CD ROM). Random House might put out a
CD ROM with their dictionary but not yet available.
Thanks to all that replied. Highlights follow from some of the replies.
Kee Nethery
[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/electronic-dictionaries.txt; 5K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:04:15 +0100
From: John Forrest <jf@ap.co.umist.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] colorizing-hc-115.hqx
This is v1.1.5 of the Colorizing HC stuff, replacing the previously
distributed versions. At the heart of the stack is the colorizeHC XCMD,
which supports colour backdrops in Hypercard - supporting a surprising
variety of colour effects in standard Hypercard. However, a stack provides
other features. With some simple amendments to your stack, it will send
extra messages to indicate when colour or windows should be added. It will
maintain a list of windows over a card, and move them if the window moves
and close them when the card closes. For read-only stacks it maintains a
number of global variables, saved and restored for each stack - supporting
stacks that change the appearance of particular cards when they are on the
screen, but do not wish to save the data when Hypercard terminates. The
same mechanism can be used generally to skip some of the initialisation
process of a stack when subsequently resuming it.
This version still contains v1.0 of the XCMD, but has many extensions of
the support scripts and fixes a few bugs. The XCMD stack itself can be more
easily distributed as a run time system, without its support stacks.
The software is free, the only restriction being to preserve the copyright
[Archived as /info-mac/card/colorizing-hc-115.hqx; 259K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 01:37:34 +1000 (EST)
From: Michael Bradshaw <mbradsh@ucc.su.OZ.AU>
Subject: [*] Desktop-Photos.sit.hqx
Photos for your Desktop
A collection of scenic pictures and patterns suitable for installing on
your Macintosh desktop.
It also contains a "Viewer" which shows full color pictures, captions
for them, photo notes, locations on a world map, pattern simulations
and a one-button-installer.
Picture formats supported are
- Startupscreen
- Desktop Pictures for these background picture display utilities
. Deskpict (shareware)
. D=8Ecor (shareware)
. BackSplash (shareware)
. FunPictures (commercial - Now Fun)
. Deskpicture (commercial - Now Utilities 3.0)
Pattern formats supported are=20
- Photos for your Desktop's own installer - "ppat"
- "ppat" 8-bit and "ppat" 16-bit
- Before Dark / Desktop Textures - "ppat"
- Wallpaper(tm)
- The Living Desktop(tm)
This "Downloadable Edition" of Photos for your Desktop weighs in
at about 785K in BinHexed-Stuffit compressed format. A 100K JPEG
image "flyer" also exists (see later msg) to give you some idea of=20
what it is all about before committing yourself to a sizeable transfer.
[Anomaly - when testing before sending to info-mac, this BinHexed
archive failed to de-BinHex using BinHex 4.0. This was even immediately=20
after it had been BinHexed with BinHex 4.0! It was re-BinHexed with=20
Stuffit Deluxe and tested again. Compact Pro and Stuffit will de-BinHex it=
but BinHex 4.0 will not! So ignore the following line and use Compact Pro
or Stuffit.]=20
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/photo-for-desktop.hqx; 786K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 12:39:56 -0400
From: jarezina@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jasna M. Arezina-Wilson)
Subject: [*] Drop Text 1.2 (submission)
This is a drag-and-drop text file converter. It can convert between
Mac, Unix, and MS-DOS files. It has lots of nice features and safty
checks, and can convert more than one type into the target type at a
time (ex: Mac and Dos into Unix).
Packed with StuffIt; docs included; source code available (just ask).
Stuff new with this version (1.2):
* doesn't wreck with buss error in dialogs any more.
* can change file/creator type of file(s) processed.
* can remove trailing spaces/tabs from lines.
Stuff new with version 1.1:
* strips bit 7 from text files.
* can handle more than 40 files at a time.
* works better with b&w systems.
* less occurance of "buss error" on startup.
* progress dialog doesn't whip in and out.
* faster overall.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/drop-text-12.hqx; 29K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 21:09:20 -0400
From: Mike Blackwell <mkb@cs.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] DuoMon 1.1a
This should replace the recently submitted version 1.1. It handles the
new Duos and batteries better.
This is the latest version, 1.1a, of DuoMon, a utility program which
tells you more then you ever wanted to know about the state of your
Duo's power system, including how much power it is current consuming.
It only works on machines with the extended power manager (i.e. Duo's).
Mike Blackwell mkb@cs.cmu.edu
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/duo-mon-11a.hqx; 38K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 8:58:01 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] photo-for-desktop-flyer.hqx
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>); Fri, 1 Oct 1993
01:49:03 +1000
Received: by extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (4.1/SMI-4.1)
id AA21414; Fri, 1 Oct 93 01:49:02 EST
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 01:45:10 +1000 (EST)
From: Michael Bradshaw <mbradsh@ucc.su.OZ.AU>
Subject: Photos-Flyer-JPEG.Hqx
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <Pine.3.07.9310010110.A21178-i100000@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Photos for your Desktop "Flyer" JPEG
This is a 100K 640 x 480 medium JPEG picture showing some of the
images contained in Photos for your Desktop, a set of pictures and
patterns in a variety of formats. This is also available for
downloading but you might like to look at the "flyer" (this file)
first to determine whether it is worth your while making the 785K
transfer of the ../Desktop-Photos.sit.hqx file.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/photo-for-desktop-flyer.hqx; 138K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 4:56:52 EDT
From: hermit@PCS.CNU.EDU (Jon Bentley)
Subject: [*] Sounder V1.2
Sounder - Version 1.2
This is a GREAT little program that let's you control the volume of your
Macintosh without having to go through the (usually) time-consuming process
of opening the control panel, changing the volume, and closing the cp. the
volume control is performed using a couple of keystrokes. Read the enclosed
documentation for further information.
[This program is a boon for people like me who have lots of AMIGA .MOD files
in their System, for whom it takes a decade for Control Panel to pop up!!!!]
P.S. Please forgive me if this is unreadable.
[No. :) -Gordon]
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/sounder-12.hqx; 29K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 21:06:12 -0500
From: markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)
Subject: [*] Speaking V1.20 two BBEdit Extensions
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Speaking V1.20 two BBEdit Extensions, FreeWare
Copyright (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.
Requires: Apple Speech Manager.
NOTE: You can now delete the file called: "Speaking Sentences" it is
now part of "Speaking" file.
Two BBEdit Extensions for speaking the selected text using Apple new Speach
See enclosed readme file for more details.
Version 1.00 Release "Speaking sentences" & "Speaking" module.
Version 1.10 Fix bug were no female voice is installed (error -244).
Added tracking of text being spoken.
Merged both modules into on file: "Speaking".
If option key is depressed, the default is change
to spelling selected text.
Add list of speech manager's error message in readme file.
Version 1.11 Fix bug when selected text is scrolled into view.
Add correct version resource so GetInfo...
from Finder will display version number.
Version 1.20 Cleaned up source code to be included with modules.
Feel free to enhance these modules...but give credit were
credit is due.
(and send me updated source, so I can add it to any changes
I do!).
Cheers, Mark Fleming
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SpeakingBBEdit.sit"
[Archived as /info-mac/text/bbedit-speaking-12.hqx; 17K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 19:41:09 -0700
From: leonardr@netcom.com (Leonard Rosenthol)
Subject: [*] StuffIt Expander 3.0.7
This self-extracting archive completely installs StuffIt Expander 3.0.7,
the Macintosh industry standard tool for archive expansion.
StuffIt Expander extracts files from the three most popular archive
formats for Macintosh: StuffIt archives, Compact Pro archives & AppleLink
packages. Everyone should upgrade to 3.0.7 for its improved decompression.
The version number jumped from the previous 3.0.3 to 3.0.7 because Expander
is now included in the StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.7 package.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/stuffit-expander-307.hqx; 125K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 19:39:01 -0700
From: leonardr@netcom.com (Leonard Rosenthol)
Subject: [*] StuffIt Lite 3.0.7
This Installer contains everything needed to install StuffIt Lite 3.0.7.
StuffIt Lite is the latest SHAREWARE compression program from Aladdin
Systems. StuffIt is considered the industry standard for the Macintosh.
Registered users of previous versions may use their current serial
number, new users may register to enable more features.
All StuffIt Lite users should upgrade to 3.0.7 since this new version has
significant improvements over the previous versions.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/stuffit-lite-307.hqx; 729K]
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 19:42:49 -0700
From: leonardr@netcom.com (Leonard Rosenthol)
Subject: [*] UnStuffIt 3.0.7
This self-extracting archive contains UnStuffIt 3.0.7, a freeware
application from Aladdin Systems.
UnStuffIt joins segments & expands archives from StuffIt versions 1.5.1 to
3.0.7. It can also expand StuffIt SpaceSaver files, without SpaceSaver being
UnStuffIt is ONLY for users who send SpaceSaver files or StuffIt segmented
files to people who do not have StuffIt.
To only unstuff files found online, download StuffIt Expander instead.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/unstuffit-307.hqx; 118K]
Date: 1 Oct 1993 00:52:34 -0400
From: ksalper@news.delphi.com (KSALPER@DELPHI.COM)
Subject: 14.4k Data Modem (TCI)
Yeah, it actually is a 14.4 modem as you noted. As far as Z-Term is
concerned, Prometheus TEch Support (Prometheus makes the TCI modem)
says that Z-Term and the modem "don't get along all that well."
They also say you'll probably have trouble with it if you use a cable
other than the one included with the modem.
Y'know, as far as indicator lights are concerned, I haven't even thought
about not having them with my internal modem. Does anyone really have a
serious use for them?
If you DO decide to tryu software other than Z-Term, I'd suggest White
Knight or Microphone...MacKnowledge is absolutely terrible. It's also not
32-bit clean.
Date: 30 Sep 1993 14:38:38 U
From: "Castle, Mike" <Mike.Castle@med.umich.edu>
Subject: Another review of TC LineLink $99 modem
We bought the MacWarehouse $99 modem last week and so far, we're very happy
with it. It's definitely a plain modem in an unnecessarily-large box, but it
does the job.
We have hooked it up to our Liaison server. For those who don't know, Liaison
(from Farallon) is similar to ARA except that it's a little slower, it works
with Systems 6 and 7, and its client software is free (so it's cheaper than
running an ARA server legally). The LineLink works just fine. We are using
the Hayes 2400-V9600 script with it; others may work too.
We didn't buy the FAX software upgrade for $29. Has anyone out there tried
I wonder if STF FAX software will work with this modem.
<< Mike Castle >>
University of Michigan
Mental Health Research Institute
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 11:27:49 +0600
From: tim.barlow@lib.utas.edu.au
Subject: Archive Submission
At-Your-Service 1.0 is a HyperCard communications package that -
provides a toolkit for installing self contained communications
capabilities into new or existing stacks. The installed facilities provide
a fast, simple and secure way of launching multiple, simultaneous
communication sessions.
is based upon Apple's Communications Toolbox technology, consequently
connectivity is only limited by the range of Connection and Terminal
Emulation tools that are available on your machine.
(N.B. The package comes bundled with a public domain TCP/IP/telnet tool
and Apple's VT102 terminal emulation tool).
includes 'communications' extensions to HyperCard's scripting language
(HyperTalk) to provide a powerful communications scripting facility.
The package is designed around the concept of a 'service', which is
defined as any process running on a local or remote computer, eg. an
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) or a Campus Wide Information System
(CWIS). A service is uniquely defined via a series of 15 parameters that
describe attributes such as the name, service type, the method used to
connect to the service, the login and logout scripts, etc.
The hub of the package is the AYS Installer stack that is responsible for
maintaining service definitions by providing facilities for creation,
storage and testing. As the name implies the stack is also responsible
for installing/removing definitions into/from other stacks, therefore
enabling the creation of custom built communication stacks or the addition
of communications facilities to existing stacks.
Installed service definitions allow for multiple, simultaneous sessions to
be active at any one time. A typical session might therefore include a
serial connection to your local OPAC in one window, whilst another window
displays information from a CWIS, and a third displays a remote network
connection to a second OPAC.
The second stack included with the package, the AYS Example stack is a
stand-alone communications 'application' that is intended both as an
example of what can be achieved as well as a useful, ready-to-use utility.
What Is Supplied.
HyperCard Stacks :
AYS Installer stack, AYS Example stack
Comms. Tools etc :
TGE TCP tool (Public domain tcp/ip/telnet tool)
Serial Connection tool
TTY Terminal Emulation tool (+TTY Font)
VT102 Terminal Emulation tool (+VT102 Font).
Documentation :
Installation Instructions
Getting Started
User Manual
The two stacks that are distributed will only launch communication
sessions that will remain active for 5 minutes, after which they will
automatically terminate.
Upon activation of the AYS Installer stack the operator is invited to
enter a code that will neutralise this mechanism and allow the launching
of sessions with unlimited time spans. The code may be purchased from the
contact address below for $30.00 per copy or a $300 per site licence (this
price includes both stacks and Communications Toolbox tools).
Contact Address.
Tim Barlow
G.P.O. Box 607
Sandy Bay
Australia 7005.
[Archived as /info-mac/card/at-your-service-10.hqx; 602K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 17:08:19 bst
From: Mark Elliott <M.C.Elliott@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: automenus II
i'm posting this on behalf of a friend who uses automenus II, and would
like to register it. his first cheque was returned (the address was out of
date) so when he found a new address i think he just sent a letter to
make sure it was correct (probably a dumb thing to do, since who is going
to write from the USA to England to say 'yes, the address is right, now send
me my 10 bucks')
anyway, who writes automenus, and does anyone have a current address ?
...there's money in it !!!!! (for the author , anyway )
Mark Elliott
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 18:52:08 -0500
From: bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca (Dieder Bylsma)
Subject: AutoStart Up for Modular Macs
I have seen mentioned in a number of places (among which are Apple
Documents on ftp.apple.com) about the possibility of newer soft-power macs
(since the IIsi) being able to turn themselves on without human
intervention. This has been, for a while, a nice dream for me, since it
would save me the money from having to pay to get an external device (about
$75 and up) that would turn on the machine. Well, someone from the
Maritimes mentioned in a newsgroup that a new control panel that came with
the AV macs, called "Auto Power On/Off", was capable of doing just that,
and with his IIsi. Intrigued, I have managed to track down a copy of it,
and run it on my machine. Well...
It works! And best of all, it is basically free, and is Apple
software! It, seems to be, however, like the Stylewriter II driver, in that
you will have to find a Quadra AV owner/user to get it since it doesn't
seem to be on Apple's ftp archive.
Only warning though is that it only works with soft-power macs
since the IIsi (i.e . you can turn them on with that "<|" key on the
keyboard), or have them turn themselves completely after issuing a
'Shutdown' command from the finder. The only other thing is that it will
only work under System 7.1
Briefly, it is a very nice thing. Besides doing the obvious of
scheduling your daily/weekday/weekend/day-of-the-week startups and
shutdowns of the mac, it has an additional feature that is really quite
useful. If you click one of the buttons, any non-proper shutdown of the mac
(i.e. power failure) will result in the Mac turning itself back on when
power is restored. (Essentially this is the *software* version of 'rotating
the backswitch of the mac' as documented in the user manual of modular
macs) This automatic rebooting will happen, and as well, the machine will
follow its normal shutdown schedule as per the Control Panel. Also,
notification can be selected if you so want it to notify you, beginning at
a user selectable interval before shutdown. It is a *very* useful control
panel in my humble opinion. Balloon help is included, but as with most
things Apple produces, it should be will be fairly straight forward.
So, go to it! It looks like it could be a good deal of fun and, be
practical at the same time!
p.s. the only slight 'problem' with this feature is that the shutdown
command can be interrupted by a dialog box.
p.p.s. this does *not* seem to work with Powerbooks, or machines that do
not have built-in support for the power-on key (i.e. Centris 610/660AV, LC
I/II/III, SE, SE/30, +, etc.) For this you need a commercial gadget I
"Small holes and cracks around windows waste energy and contribute to
global warming...an environmental citizenship message from Environment
Globe & Mail, Sept. 21, 1993
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 16:59:34 PST
From: "EDWIN HORNEIJ" <HORNEIJ@humnet.ucla.edu>
Subject: Base 10 log
>Does anyone know of a
>way to calculate a base 10 log in HyperTalk or better yet of a
>fast xFunction ??
>Jim Allison
>Clark University IRC
I reposted this question to the HyperCard list, where it elicited
the following two replies:
At last - one that I can answer!
function log n
put ln(n)/ln(10) into x
return x
end log
If my memory serves, log10(x) = ln(x)*log10(e) -- or something like
Anyway, it's a simple constant multiplier. /gda
Ed Horneij <horneij@humnet.ucla.edu>
Ed Horneij <horneij@humnet.ucla.edu>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 17:54:53 -0500 (CDT)
From: Christopher D Roy <cdroy@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: Centris610/system7.1/appleshare bug!
Dear moderators,
I have a Centris 610, system 7.1, and AppleShare 7.1. The problem is
this- if you force-quit or push the programmer's key, or just
force-restart while connected to another server over AppleTalk, your
current version of AppleShare will be corrupted. At startup, if another
server is on, you will get the message "Not enough memory while using
AppleShare" with the option to restart with extensions off. I thought it
was that I didn't have enough memory, which is bogus because AppleShare is
one of the first extensions to be installed, and I have 8 mb. This can be
fixed by reinstalling the copy of AppleShare off your CD or floppies. If
anyone has another way to fix it, I'd sure like to know, otherwise, I'm in
serious running for a MacWorld Bug Alert T-Shirt.
Nick Roy (cdroy@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 12:11:18 PDT
From: markr@slo.iptech.com (Mark Rhoads)
Subject: Conversion of Mac to UNIX text files...
This would be a very easy shell script on Unix, using
a combination of find and tr. Use find to find each
file in a subdirectory and use tr to filter the file and
convert cr's to lf's.
--Mark Rhoads
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:12:56 +0000
From: ajcarr%ccvax.ucd.ie@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Dr Alun J. Carr)
Subject: Energy Saver control panel (Q)
I recently installed Apple's Energy Saver control panel on my Centris 650,
and it's giving me problems. It blanks the screen after the correct length
of time, and when I move the mouse, the machine starts to beep as it's
supposed to, but the screen stays dimmed, even after a couple of minutes
(Apple say it's supposed to come back up in 20 seconds). Powering the
monitor off and back on will restore the screen, although in some
applications the whole of the menu bar becomes grey.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks in advance.
Alun J. Carr, Mech. Eng. Dept., UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Internet: ajcarr@cvax.ucd.ie
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 00:28:51 -0500
From: gray@cmgroup.engr.wisc.edu (Gary L. Gray)
Subject: EPS file conversion (Q)
> We frequently wish to produce graphics for presentation based on EPS
> (encapsulated PostScript) files, since that is what is available >From
> programs that we run on mainframes. Importing these files into word
> processors or drawing packages and then printing them out on PostScript
> printers works well. The PROBLEMS are (a) if we wish to enhance the
> images, e.g. add labels, colours, etc., (b) to print them out on
> non-PostScript printers like the HP DeskWriter 550C. Canvas won't do
> (a), and neither Canvas nor Word will do (b). Do people have suggestions
> for what DOES work? For example, Adobe Illustrator?
I have run into a similar problem, at least with respect to (a). Here is
what I did:
I create numerous graphics in Mathematica to which I always want to add
labels for inclusion into LaTeX documents. I used to save the graphics out
of Mathematica in EPSF format and then import them into Canvas 3.0.X, add
the labels, and then save them as EPSF (since it is easy to import
PostScript figures into LaTeX). This did not work very well since Canvas
was slow, and did not preview the EPSF out of Mathematica very accurately
-- I would often have to print a figure a number of times before I got the
additions aligned properly. Then I discovered Adobe Illustrator. What a
joy! Since its native mode is PostScript, it became trivial. I can now save
a figure out of Mathematica in Illustrator format and then easily (and
quickly) import it into Illustrator 5.0 (used to be 3.2) for additions. The
preview is now exact and I get it right the first time, every time. I then
save the file as a plain old Illustrator file with Black & White or Color
preview for inclusion into LaTeX -- you see, a plain old Illustrator file
is really just an EPSF file.
I can't recommend Illustrator 5.0 enough.
Best regards,
Gary L. Gray (608) 262-7418 (office)
Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics (608) 238-9727 (home)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (608) 262-3735 (FAX)
gray@cmgroup.engr.wisc.edu AOL: GLGray
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 21:14:33 EDT
From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.sunysb.edu>
Subject: Graham Alsopp & "Women-in-Swimsuits"
I agree with Graham Alsopp about the inappropriateness of startup
screens of women in swimsuits being posted here. I don't think things
like that are permanently a problem, but until women and men reach some
kind of accord on that stuff, it's a political act that lots of folks
have already said is offensive, and this just isn't the place to sort
it all out.
-Allan Hunter
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 22:04:08 GMT
From: dayo@nrj.SINet.SLB.COM
Subject: help on duo/mini dock
To: "info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@M_INTERNET@MRGATE@NRJM21
I'd like to have any information (price/model/manufacturer) for
the Mini-Doc. I hear it's an Apple compatible, with an ethernet board inside.
I'd like to have info for thin/10base-t connectivity on this device to use on
a Duo 230.
Also, any info on the Duo-Dock (data sheets etc) will be highly appreciated.
Thanx in Advance,
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 20:24:47 GMT
From: gweil@ibeam.jf.intel.com (Garry Weil)
Subject: hooking an Intel modem to my Mac
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
Call MacWarehouse at 800-255-6227
>Hello everyone.
>I'd like to hook up my roommate's Intel modem to my Mac. The modem has a
>25-pinfemale RS232 connector. I've looked at the local Radio Shack and called
>computer supplier and neither said they had the adapter.
>Anyone know where I can find such an adapter, especially in the Lafayette,
>Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> -- Jay Bienvenu
> sjb8502@usl.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 19:13:12 PDT
From: chrisw@dsg.tandem.com (Chris Wilson)
Subject: involuntary screen dimming on a Mac Plus
Hi there,
My sister is having a problem with her 5 year old Mac Plus.
While she was working on it, the screen started to become
dimmer and dimmer until she could barely see it.
(she doesn't have any screen saver installed.)
The machine works Ok, the raster is not distorted in any
way, it's just very dim. I had her power it on and off,
and it came on a little brighter, but quickly faded away
again. The machine seems to come up OK though.
I checked in the "Dead Mac Scrolls", but I couldn't find
any symptoms close to resembling this.
Does anyone know what this might be, and how to fix it
if possible? I think it might be the picture tube itself.
Does anyone know if these can be replaced on these old
machines and how much it would cost.
Thank you for any advice you can give me,
Chris Wilson
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 23:37 EST
Subject: IRS Electronic Filing SW
Does anyone happen to know where I can buy software to
transmit tax returns to the IRS? I am a tax preparer and have
set up an account with the IRS but they refuse to give the names
of vendors so that they don't unfairly "recommend" someone. I would
prefer Mac software but am willing to lower myself to Pc if
necessary. If anyone has any information, or better yet
can recommend a product I would really appreciate it.
Peter Shepard
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 12:33:03 EDT
From: erin <ST001286@BROWNVM.brown.edu>
Subject: LCs
I'm planning on buying a Mac LC of some sort and I was wondering if anyone was
interested in selling one or if anyone had any tips about buying one. My
address is st001286 @brownvm.brown.edu.
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 01:13:01 EDT
From: smisra@eos.ncsu.edu
Subject: MacVoice 1.0 DEMO Did not include text header
I sent the following text header to a recent submission that is now
on your archives. I would appreciate it if you could attach the following
text header to the beginning of the file mac-voice-10-demo.hqx that
is now in the recent folder. without this header people will have no
clue as to what MacVoice 1.0 is. thanks very much in advance.
Cut Here-----
I would like to submit MacVoice 1.0 Demo. Description follows:
MacVoice 1.0 Demo requires:
Macintosh 68020 or better
System 7
ZyXEL 1496 Series Modem
Not compatible with AV Macs.
MacVoice 1.0 is the first release of a voice mail software for Macintosh
and ZyXEL modems. Users can take advantage of the voice features
offered by the 1496 Series modems by ZyXEL. Offers use of all three
compression modes, ADPCM2, ADPCM3 and CELP. However, users of slower
Macintoshes (i.e. 16Mhz 68030 or slower) may experience problems with
ADPCM3 as it requires a very high data rate of 28.8Kbps. Please be sure
to read the included README note for more performance considerations.
16Mhz 68000 Macs may use ADPCM2 and CELP modes. 8Mhz 68000 Macs, EXCEPT
the Plus, may use CELP modes ONLY.
MacVoice 1.0 DEMO is a fully functional version of MacVoice 1.0 with the
following restrictions: Maximum incoming message length is 5 seconds.
Messages retrieved from a remote location are NOT time-stamped.
Tollsaver is not implemented.
MacVoice 1.0 can be ordered directly using the included order form.
This is the first version of MacVoice.
Any problems experienced may be reported as described in the README
note. MacVoice 1.0 has been tested by several users and on
several Macintoshes for about 2 months, and therefore we do not expect any
problems. However, reported problems will be attended to immediately.
The authors of MacVoice 1.0 are Saurabh Misra and Chris Snyder. Thanks
very much to all the beta testers, and to Paul Lemieux, Cary NC, for
allowing me access to test MacVoice 1.0 on several Macintoshes.
Saurabh Misra.
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 14:54:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Scott Kelsey <skk@bach.udel.edu>
Subject: MacX
Thanks to all those who responded to my email; Jeffer Hellett, Eric
Burger, and David Faust. I am still trying to get a olwm but know I think
my problem is internal.
University of Delaware
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 13:18:47 -0700
From: kroemer@apex.ece.ucsb.edu (Herb Kroemer)
Subject: MaxAppleZoom 1.4.4 Problem
The new version 1.4.4 of MaxAppleZoom apparently has some incompatibilities
of its own that were not present in version 1.4.3. I have been unable to
get the new version to work on my Max IIfx running System 6.0.7, where
1.4.3 worked just fine. Back to 1.4.3.
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 09:02 CST
From: <SWAECHTER%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: NEC CDR-25 for $199
Does anyone know anything about the NEC CDR-25 CD-ROM reader as advertised by
Tiger Software for $199? Specifically, is a cd-rom "reader" somehow limited
not being able to do something that a regular cd-rom drive can do? $199
like a good price for a cd-rom drive, but I don't want something that's not
going to do much. If anyone has one of these things, please let me know what
it's all about. I'm primarily interested in using it for educational stuff on
cd for my kids. Thanks!
Steve Waechter
swaechter@utmem1 (bitnet)
swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu (internet)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 10:32:43 -0600
From: Eric Lorenzo <lorenzo@rintintin.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Need ideas for downloading PC stuff on my mac
Hi there,
What I want to do is download DOS based programs onto my mac, put
the file onto floppies and then put them onto my roommate's PC. I guess
it being a DOS program is irrelevant since it will be zip'ped which is just
binary anyway. I do have AccessPC so being able to read DOS formatted
disks is no problem.
The problem is if the file is too large to fit onto one HD floppy.
Does anyone know of a UNIX based file splitter that has a DOS based counter-
part that I can put on my roommate's PC to join the split file?
Thanks for the help,
Eric Lorenzo
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 11:26:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: ericb@telecnnct.com (Eric Burger)
Subject: PC emulation [Q]
Forwarded message from ILANS@DS.HUJI.AC.IL:
> Is SoftPC the only option? I heard it emulates only a 286. Does anyone
> know of a better version in the works?
SoftPC Universal is a 286; SoftPC Pro is a 386 with Windows.
Even on a Centris (for that matter, even on a Quadra), Windows
is *painfully* slow. OTOH, it works!
-- Eric William Burger -- Eric.Burger@telecnnct.com --
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 23:30:47 -0500 (CDT)
From: "F. J. Van Wetering" <fjvanwet@cwis.unomaha.edu>
Subject: PowerKey and 14"AV Monitor
WARNING*** this combination does NOT work. The PowerKey prevents the
sound controls and the microphone button from working on the monitor, and
prevents the Audiovision control panel from loading.
The company is aware of this, and if you tell them you are working on a
Centris 660 AV with an AV monitor, they will send you a hardware fix,
complete with return sticker label and return postage!
F. J. Van Wetering, Ph.D. INTERNET:fjvanwet@unomaha.edu
Date: 30 Sep 93 11:50:42 CST
From: C05803RB@WUVMD.Wustl.Edu
Subject: Print Driver
Robert Browning (C05803RB@wuvmd.wustl.edu)
Computer Services (Operations) 935-5300
Campus Box 1152,St Louis,Mo. 63130
I have an LCIII cabled to an IBM 4019 printer defined to look like an
HP LaserJet 2 Printer. So far nothing has printed. Is there a print
driver unique to this and is there a freeware print driver available?
If not freeware, what do I need and where can I get the right driver?
Perhaps I've overlooked something more fundamental that won't allow
printing from this configuration.
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 18:30:31 -0500
From: bash@helix.nih.gov (Mike Basham)
Subject: Quadra 800 disk light
I don't know why Apple doesn't like putting hard drive lights on their
machines. I have discovered a crude but effective way of "adding" one to my
Quadra 800. I popped off the plate covering the hard drive and, viola, the
disk light is clearly visible right in front! It looks kind of cool, too;
like the old days when I used to use my Apple II with the top cover
Mike Basham (bash@helix.nih.gov)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 14:59:21 -0400
From: jimy@gecs15.gecs.ge.com (Jim Yates)
Subject: Smtp Mail Package for Mac.
I am looking for a SMTP mail package that runs on the
mac. Preferably Shareware. Any suggestions ?
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 23:26:04 -0500 (CDT)
From: "F. J. Van Wetering" <fjvanwet@cwis.unomaha.edu>
Subject: Speech Setup, Centris 660AV and 14"AV Monitor (Q)
I recently installed a 14"AV Monitor with my Centris 660AV, 8/230. The
previous display was an Apple portrait display. Everything seems to be
working on the AV monitor OK, but now when I start up the Speech Setup
(voice recognition), the Feedback window does NOT show the computer
listenting to me. I can say whatever I want and no response.
Is this a documented bug?, or am I just lucky *again*?
F. J. Van Wetering, Ph.D. INTERNET: fjvanwet@unomaha.edu
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 17:04:44 -0500
From: Bienvenu Sidney J <sjb8502@usl.edu>
Subject: three minor problems
I am having three minor problems. These are not debilitating, but they
definitely are annoying. I believe they are all caused by conflicts with
system extensions because I haven't experienced them when I do a "clean boot"
(my term for [Shift]booting). I am using System 7.1.
Problem 1: Occasionally when I sut down or restart from the Finder the Finder
freezes. I can still move the mouse but the menu bar is stuck.
the Finder causes a bomb, requiring a restart.
Problem 2: Selecting the sixth entry from any pulldown menu in the Finder
executes Get Info (the sixth entry in the File menu). This even occurs in the
Magic Menu.
Problem 3: I cannot install programs that use the Installer file with my
extensions loaded. When it comes time to insert the third disk in the series
in addition to the standard disk-request dialog box a black-and-white dialog
box asking for the first disk appears. When I insert the start disk the b&w
box goes away, leaving the original request. There is no eject. I have to
press the "Stop" button, do a clean restart, and Install.
Again, these problems are not too serious, but they are annoying.
Extensions and Control Panels
AutoFlush 1.0 Dismount 1.2 Mouse Odometer 1.0
ProDOS File System 1.0 Stuffit Engine 3.0.5 Tweety 1.0
Stuffit Viewer Engine 3.0.3 After Dark 2.0v ApplWindows 2.0
BeHierarchic 1.0.5 CursorAnimator 2.0.1 Dialog View 1.0.6
Eask Keys 1.5 Escapade 1.3.2 Flash-It 3.0.2
Greg's Buttons 3.0 Magic Menu 3.0.5 MICN 1.8
Open Wide 3.4.1 PopChar 2.5.2 QuicKeys 1.1
Replace-Existing Options 1.0.1 Symantec Anti-Virus 3.5.4
ResumeToFinder 1.0.5 SndControl 2.2.2 SoundStroke 1.0
SpeedyFinder7 1.5.4 Stuffit SpaceSaver 1.0.4
SuperClock 3.5 WindowShade 1.2
-- Jay Bienvenu
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 15:09:09 CST
From: "Z. Sun" <GR4486@SIUCVMB.SIU.EDU>
Subject: Unaccessible disk directories (Q)
Hi All,
I have to ask the second time since the usual tricks did not work.
The Problem: One of the 4 partitions of the 400 meg HD is having a strange
behavior - the files and directories don't show up in the GetFile and PutFile
dialog boxes.
All items are still accessible through the Finder. The Find Flags are normal:
visible, unprotected, and double-click-openable. But during "Open" and "Save"
operations, the whole partition will be missing when DESKTOP button is
Only three volumes are shown. The missing volume happens to be the boot parti-
I have tried Disk First Aid, no problem was detected. I have re-installed the
System, and rebuilt the Desktop files. Even when all extensions are off, this
remains the case.
Configuration: System 7.1, IIci, MacTCP (TokenRing), some INITs and CDEVs.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
End of Info-Mac Digest